The mental, the emotional, and the spiritual side of living with chronic illness and invisible disease. Hosts, Jenny Nicoll and Kassy Draper, longtime friends and young moms share their experience while in the trenches with symptoms and side effects of chronic illness. Jenny’s wait for transplant and Kassy’s journey to diagnosis inspired the podcast where they interview guests and discuss hacks to keep your head above water.

They see you, and your own struggle with your own invisible disease. And the challenges of balancing motherhood, managing a household, family, and career! Not all days are good and sometimes you don’t make it out of bed, or struggle to make it through the week. With a focus on mindset and a positive perspective, they strive to create a community where mamas can come together and be seen for more than their invisible disease.

Meet Jenny

Former corporate staffer turned yoga instructor, energy healer and full-time entrepreneur with a side of soul. I love that my purpose is to help elevate women that are struggling with chronic illness in their journey. 

My path to healing was sparked by a call to action from my mental and emotional health, in response to my progressive disease. Living with chronic illness, exhausted, and wanting balance in my family life while juggling young children and work, I faced a need for flexibility and forgiveness for myself and my failing body. With my disease progressing, I have taken the next steps to healing and am currently listed for liver transplant. It is a game of hurry up and wait! 

I want to share my struggle and support others that are “in the thick of it” with symptoms of chronic illness. It is not easy, but tools and mindset can make it easier for all of us that are facing challenges.

Meet Kassy 

I am a proud Realtor in a city that I love, YEG (don’t forget the burbs and counties!) 

I have been helping Edmontonian’s find their dream home since 2010; loving every minute of it.

As a wife and mother of 2, I have rediscovered what YEG Living is really all about.

Making memories, enjoying our city and meeting great people.

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